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Evette Busby has been singing since she could talk. But her professional career only began about 15 years ago because she was shy and had no idea how much talent she had. Finally, friends and family convinced her to pursue a career in music. She started out in her church choir. Her first band leader discovered her in church and convinced Evette to work with his group. Since then, she's become a fixture at clubs, weddings and corporate events in and around Houston, TX. Groups she's worked with include Grady Gaines and the Texas Upsetters, The Skylytes & Spot Light. She has been making appearances with The Barry Sea Paradox since it was formed. Her style is ecclectic and her range is vast. She can go from a beautiful soft ballad to the hardest driving R&B. Audiences love her not only for her talent, but for the friendly, warm and approachable person she is. Evette has a style all of her own, but has been influenced by Etta James, Aretha Franklin, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston, Glady Knight, Mariah Carey, and Alicia Keyes, among others. Evette works with The Barry Sea Paradox upon request, subject to budget and availability.